(Spring/Summer24) Painting the Landscape in Watercolor

01/01/2024 01:00 PM - 12/31/2024 03:30 PM ET


Painting the Landscape in Watercolor with Lynn Hoeft
Days: Wednesdays
Dates: May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 / June 5, 12, (no 19), 26 / July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 / August 7, 14, 21, 28
Time: 1:00PM - 3:30PM
Location: Outside the Art Barn Painting Studio*
Fee: $50 per class  (materials not included, please see list below)
*Please note - watercolor classes will meet outside (unless inclement weather). Please bring layers/sun hats/water!

Working primarily outside at Featherstone (or indoors in the classroom if the weather demands it), we’ll examine all the elements that contribute to a successful landscape painting.
We’ll try to keep it simple and direct, using bigger brushes to capture the most important elements of a landscape, aiming for a bright impressionistic view with just the right amount of detail. Along the way, we’ll talk about color mixing, hard vs. soft edges, how to simplify a complex subject and how to stop worrying about making mistakes.
Although we hope to be outside most days, please bring a paper copy of your chosen photo (or an image on a tablet) in case we must work inside. We will have a small collection of photos from magazines on hand for you to use as well.
Join us for a single class or come every week. All levels are welcome.

Materials List:
a set of tube (soft) watercolors, artist’s grade is best but student grade ok, any brand is fine
4 or 5 assorted watercolor brushes, one flat and the others round, sizes 8-12
pad of watercolor paper either 8x10 or 9x12
paper support (drawing board or a piece of masonite)
roll of masking tape
water container
kleenex or paper towels
spray bottle for water is helpful