(Spring24) Assisted Open Knitting Studio

01/01/2024 10:00 AM - 12/31/2024 12:00 PM ET


Assisted Open Knitting Studio with Helen Hall and Zoe Thompson
Days: Wednesdays
Dates: January 24, 31 / February 7, 14, 21 (no 28) / March 6, 13, 20, 27 / April 3, 10 (no 17), 24 / May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Time: 10:00AM-12:00PM
Location: Art Barn Library
Fee: $20 per meeting

Join us on Wednesdays for open knitting studio with assistance and guidance from Helen Hall and Zoe Thompson. Enjoy company and conversation as we work on our own various projects, or get assistance from a previous knitting class held at Featherstone. Helen and Zoe can provide assistance, advice and guidance if you have a question or to help troubleshoot a project.