(Summer23) Approaching Painting (painting in watercolor, oil or acrylic)

01/01/2023 09:00 AM - 12/31/2023 12:00 PM ET


Approaching Painting (painting in watercolor, oil or acrylic) with Eva Cincotta

Dates: June 12, (no 19), 26 / July (no 3 *bonus class Friday, July 7), 10, 17, 24, 31 / August 7, 14, (no 21 *bonus class Thursday, August 24), 28
Time: 9:00AM - 12:00PM

Location: Art Barn Painting Studio
Fee: $60 per class
  (materials not included, please see list below)

This class combines demos, techniques and individual instruction to students on how to loosen up. Discover watercolor, oil and acrylic painting approaches that lead to more quick, loose and vibrant works.  Using observational practice as a launching point, we'll simplify the process, learn how to create fresh, deliberate marks and break out of our comfort zone. 
 Students will be guided through the creative process to find their self expression.  Bring photos of the subject you would like to paint. Through demos, lectures and critiques, we will work toward resolving still life, landscape or previous paintings.