(Fall23) Jewelry: Stamped Cuff Bracelet Workshop

01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023


Stamped Cuff Bracelet Workshop with Ivry Russillo
Days: Thursday​
Dates: October 5
Time: 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Location: Jewelry Studio
Fee: $50, includes all materials

All levels welcome to participate in a hand stamped cuff bracelet workshop. Students will hand cut a bracelet template in brass or copper in preparation to stamp multiple designs on the cuff. An array of stamps from floral, leaves, symbols of nature, and other designs are available. You will form, file, sand, and polish until completion. A perfect class for gift giving or something hand made for yourself.


Date: Thursday, ​February 23 // Thursday, March 23
Time: 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Location: Jewelry Studio
Fee: $50, includes all materials
 *Please see dress code below.

​*Dress code: For safety reasons we ask everyone to comply with the dress code policy for the Jewelry Studio: Closed-toe footwear (no sandals), pants/shorts must go below the knee, long hair must be pulled back from the face and secured. Wear a headband or a hat if your hair can’t be tied back.