(Fall21) Ceramics: Introduction to Wheel Throwing Workshop

01/01/2021 05:00 PM - 12/31/2021 07:00 PM ET


*NEW* Introduction to Wheel Throwing Workshop with Mark Bateman
Day: Tuesday
Dates: December
Time: 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Location: The Pottery Studio
Fee: $100 includes materials fee/finishing (clay, glazes, firing)

In this two hour workshop, students will be introduced to the pottery wheel, by creating a series of two pound bowls. Each person will typically throw between 2-4 bowls, with each participant choosing a final glaze color at the end of the two hours. Following the class, the bowls will be finished by the instructor, which entails trimming them into their final shape, bisque firing them, glazing, and firing again. Bowls will be ready for you to pick up December 18th & 19th.